(HB) HGH 176-191 Fragment
- Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare
Manufacturer: Hilma BiocarePackage: 5 mg / vial
Info: HGH 176-191 denotes a short fragment that refers to the human growth hormone (HGH) peptide. It encompasses the amino acids ranging from 176 up to 191 located within the final part of the HGH molecule. This specific element has gained its reputation due to its ability to promote fat burning, as well as enhance metabolic processes similar to those of HGH though without typical side effects coming from an intact growth hormone molecule. There is no aromatization, acne, or liver toxicity. Virilization in women is not an issue. Water retention is rare, and high blood pressure is rare but possible with aggressive doses.
Frag 176-191 of HGH controls fat utilization without negatively affecting insulin sensitivity.
It is more effective than HGH in promoting lipolysis when the GH molecule is blocked at the back end.
Users do not experience increased hunger or nervousness, unlike with other fat-burning substances.
Primarily helps reduce body fat.
Fights aging.
Improves bone density.
Enhances energy levels.
Dosage and Usage:
Frag 176-191 of HGH controls fat utilization without negatively affecting insulin sensitivity.
It is more effective than HGH in promoting lipolysis when the GH molecule is blocked at the back end.
Users do not experience increased hunger or nervousness, unlike with other fat-burning substances.
Primarily helps reduce body fat.
Fights aging.
Improves bone density.
Enhances energy levels.
The average cycle length is 1 to 3 months on average. Novice use 2x200 mcg/day or 4 mcg/kg body weight/day 5-7 days/week, intermediate use 2x250 mcg/day or 5 mcg/kg body weight/day 5-7 days/week, and advanced use 3-4x 200 mcg/day or 6-8 mcg/kg body weight /day 7 days/ week. Some athletes reported to take 1 mg/day as 2 tabs 350 mcg and 1 tab 300 mcg or 4 tabs 250 mcg. The normal dose ranges between 100-500mcg/day for women with some using over 500mcg/day. The half-life is approximately 1 hour, while active half-life differs depending on the route of injection.
Possible Side Effects:
Rare side effects, however, may lead to hypersomnia, insomnia, and burning sensation at the site of injection. Most side effects are known to subside after 2-3 days of ceasing the use of the product.Mixing/Combining Your Steroid Cycle:
HGH Frag 176-191 can be combined with T3 or Clenbuterol for the purpose of losing fat and gaining muscle mass. It can also be used in a cycle with Nandrolone Decanoate and Testosterone Propionate for cutting purposes.Check out other assortments in the injectable steroids store or visit the main page of the online store to choose legal bodybuilding steroids!