(HB) HgH Somatropin ( Recombinant ) 100IU
- Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare
Manufacturer: Hilma BiocarePackage: 100 IU / 2 vials
Form: Recombinant HGH (rDNA origin)
Info: HGH is significantly useful and popular in its administered form, it becomes synthetic endogenous hormone. Most people find it safe for medical and performance enhancement purposes both in male and female population. Thus, despite the popular media labeling it as an anabolic steroid, HGH is not. However, it has a powerful anabolic effect but cannot be referred to being an anabolic steroid.
HGH use started in 1958 as a pituitary extract derived from cadavers that resulted in the US FDA’s withdrawal in 1985. This was followed by the introduction of somatrem which was a contaminant-free variant of the product. However, both Kabi Vitrum in Sweden produced pure HGH called Somatropin using rDNA technology in 1985. This synthetic form is equally effective in comparison with naturally produced HGH and possesses the same properties. The HGH profile includes no androgenic index and a high anabolic index. There is no aromatization, acne, or liver toxicity. Water retention is rare, and high blood pressure is rare.
The effects and benefits of HGH include fat loss (uses body fat as an energy source), strengthened joints and tendons, improved skin appearance, new muscle cell formation, increased bone mineralization, enhanced calcium retention, accelerated wound healing, healthier skin, and better sleep.
Dosage range and duration
The common cycle duration is 3 to 6 months. Dosages are as follows: beginners: 4-5 IU/day, hobbyists: 5-10 IU/day, professionals: 8-32 IU/day, and women: 1-6 IU/day. The half-life is about 2.5 hours, with an active life of about 24 hours, varying by injection method.
Side effects
Side effects include joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, increased cholesterol levels, possible abnormal organ growth, numbness, and nerve irritation.
Store in a refrigerator (+2-+8°C). Protect from light. Keep out of reach of children.Mixing/Combining with Steroid Cycle
Anavar, Deca, any form of testosterone, Dianabol, Anadrol, Equipoise, trenbolone, any form of trenbolone, IGF-1 LR3, MGF, etcCheck out other assortments in the injectable steroids store or visit the main page of the online store to choose legal bodybuilding steroids!
Tags: Genotropin, Humatrope, Norditropin, Jintropin, Somatropin, Somatotropin, Nutropin