
(HB) Stanozolol Depot ( Winstrol inj)

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Main characteristics All specifications
Dose:: 50 mg/ml
CAS Number:: 10418-03-08
Molecular Formula:: C21H32N2O
Package:: 10 ampoules
Release form:: Pills

Stanozolol (Winstrol)

Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare

Package: 10 ampoules, 1 amp/1ml (50 mg/ml)

Info: Winstrol Injection , a commonly used term for Stanozolol Depot , is a synthesized form of the androgenic-anabolic steroid Stanozolol that is injectable . It is based on Dihydrotestosterone (DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE) and is recognized for its performance enhancing qualities despite being gentle on users when it comes to detrimental health concerns .In muscle tissues, Stanozolol Depot functions through binding to androgen receptors as this brings about protein synthesis and retention of nitrogen leading to muscular growth and maintenance, notably during calorie restriction periods. Estrogen conversion does not take place in the manner it is observed in numerous other steroids that are anabolic resulting into reduction in risks related with estrogen such as water retention or gynecomastia. Stanozolol has an androgenic index of -320 and an anabolic index of -30. It has low estrogen levels and very low progestational activity. The steroid exhibits moderate liver toxicity. Stanozolol enhances muscle growth while antagonizing water retention, thereby improving muscle definition. It promotes fat burning, enhances endurance and strength, and develops vascularity. Additionally, it optimizes steroid stacking for synergistic effects in combination with other steroids.


Stanozolol enhances muscle growth while antagonizing water retention, thereby improving muscle definition. It promotes fat burning, enhances endurance and strength, and develops vascularity. Additionally, it optimizes steroid stacking for synergistic effects in combination with other steroids.

Dosage and Duration of Use

Side Effects

50 mg/ml
CAS Number:
Molecular Formula:
10 ampoules
Release form:

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Tags: Winstrol, Winny, Rexobol, Stanos 10, Stanoplex, Stambafort, Stanozolol, Azolol, Stanabol Tablets, Stombaged tab, Stanodrol, Stanos, Stanover, Stromba, Androstanazol.