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  • (SP) Test Prop 100 mg

(SP) Test Prop 100 mg

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Main characteristics All specifications
Dose:: 100 mg/ml
Package:: 10 ml/vial
Release form:: Injection

Test Prop 100 mg

Manufacturer: Saxon Pharmaceuticals

Category: Injection

Dose and quantity: 100 mg/ml

Package: 10 ml

Form: Liquid

Active Substance: Testosterone Propionate

Active Half-Life: 1-1,5 days

Classification: SAA

Dosage: 300-700 mg a week

Water Retention: Yes

Aromatization: No

Info: The 100mg Testosterone Propionate is one of the most effective anabolic steroids for the muscular development and enhancing the power of the individuals. This is because Test P is less risky as compared to other anabolic steroids that have long half lives in the body. This is the active component called Testosterone Propionate which aids in the building of proteins in the body and therefore the formation of the large and stronger muscles. This steroid is suitable for people who are interested in gaining mass and increasing their muscle power because it is both an androgenic and anabolic steroid.

Correct Usage and Dosage

Testosterone propionate is given through injection and has shorter acting than the other testosterone preparations. This needs more injections, commonly given 1 to  3 days from the last injection based on the severity of the condition. This means that Testosterone Propionate should be taken at a dose of one ml per day and the cycle should be run for roughly 4-5 weeks.

Benefits of Testosterone Propionate

  • Enhanced muscle growth
  • Increased strength and power
  • Promotion of masculine features
  • Expansion of muscle tissue

Limited Adverse Effects

Excessive use of Testosterone Propionate could lead to some side effects  such as Acne, Gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue), Liver damage, Hair loss, Decreased natural testosterone production.

100 mg/ml
10 ml/vial
Release form:

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Tags: (SP) Test Prop 100 mg, Test Propionate, Test P, Testosterone Propionate 100 mg, Saxon Pharmaceuticals Test, Muscle Booster, Injectable Testosterone, Strength Elixir, Anabolic Propionate, Fast-Acting Test, Bodybuilding Powerhouse, Testosterone Amplifier, Test 100, Saxon Test, Propionate Boost, Rapid Muscle Growth Solution, Testosterone Injection, Size and Strength Catalyst, SAA Propionate, Testosterone Propionate Liquid, 10ml Test, Testosterone Pump, Testosterone Enhancer, Performance Gear, Lean Muscle Builder