(HB) Testosterone Cypionate
- Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare
Testosterone Cypionate
Manufacturer: Hilma BiocarePackage:10 ml / vial (250 mg / ml)
Info: Artificial testosterone is testosterone that is not natural. When taken by injection, it serves as a man-made anabolic-assistant steroid used largely for either testosterone substitution therapy (TST) or to effect better performance.Testosterone Cypionate functions by copying the consequences that natural testosterone has. It attaches itself to androgen receptors found within different tissues as well as bones which in turn facilitate protein synthesis, nitrogen balance maintenance, and speed up the production of new red blood cells. As a result, it brings about muscle enlargement, additional power and better recuperation processes. The cypionate ester enables the hormone’s release within a more constant pattern thus infrequent administering intervals are allowed. Testosterone Cypionate has an androgenic to anabolic ratio of 100:100, which mean both are of equal strength. It has moderate estrogenic activity and low progestogenic effect and thus has fewer side effects associated with these hormones. Also, it has low liver toxicity hence making it liver friendly.
Testosterone Cypionate boosts muscle volume, increases the levels of IGF-1 and MGF hormones, and decreases body fat. It may reduce the chances of ischemic heart disease and coronary artery disease and enhance the libido and sexual potency while it may have the opposite effect. It boosts strength, muscle relaxation, vitality, and the rate at which muscles recover from fatigue. It also enhances collagen formation and bone mineralization, thus has an anabolic impact on muscles through its anti-glucocorticoid action. This is because a part of the weight gained is water which is retained since testosterone has been converted to estrogen; this can be avoided if the right dosage is chosen.
Dosage Range and Duration of Use
The cycle length of Testosterone Cypionate is typically between 8 and 12 weeks, although it may take up to 20 weeks among athletes. It is recommended that beginners take 200 – 500 mg per week and hobbyists take 400 – 500 mg every five days. The professional dosage might be between 1000-2000 milligrams per week. This drug is contraindicated in women or should be administered in very small amounts. Testosterone Cypionate has a duration of action of 6-7 days and it stays in the system for up to 3 months with some athletes reporting detections up to 12 months.
Possible Side Effects
Testosterone Cypionate can cause some side effects such as high level of cholesterol, painful and prolonged erection, vomiting, nausea, high blood pressure, and aggression. There are reports that high doses of this drug can lead to liver toxicity. Other side effects include; oily skin and acne.
Post-cycle Therapy
Post-cycle therapy should be done 3 weeks later and not after receiving the last injection. You only need to take anti-estrogens like tamoxifen or clomiphene citrate plus HCG at the end of your steroid cycle in order to elevate your testosterone level to normal range as well as counteract negative consequences. Those individuals who use HCG should start using it ten days before they start taking Clomiphene or Tamoxifin and continue in this way for a period of ten days.Tags: Cyponit, Test Cyp, Testodex, Delatestryl, Tesamone, Cypionax, Cypiobolic, Testaplex, Cyp, Testex, Cypio-Test, Cypoject, Cyte X, cypion, Testocyp, Testoxyl