Sustanon 500
- Manufacturer: Saxon Pharmaceuticals
Test Blend (Sus 500) 500 mg
Manufacturer: Saxon Pharmaceuticals
Category: Injection
Dose and
quantity: 500 mg/ml
Package: 10 ml
Form: Liquid
Substance: Test P 60 mg, Test PP 120 mg, Test Iso 120 mg,
Test Deca 200 mg
Half-Life: 7-8 days
Classification: AAS
Dosage: 300-1500
mg a week
Retention: Yes
Aromatization: Yes
Info: Testosterone Blend, a potent anabolic steroid, is favored by bodybuilders and athletes due to its adaptability and effectiveness. Blend, a potent anabolic steroid, is favored by bodybuilders and athletes due to its adaptability and effectiveness. Comprising four unique testosterone esters: The esters involving propionic acid are: Propionate, Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, and Decanoate. This composition describes in a way that could produce both 'short-term' and 'long-term' impacts. It is taken via injections, and it circulates in the body as the esters gradually dissolve into the blood stream to improve anabolism of proteins and muscle tissue development. four unique testosterone esters: The esters involving propionic acid are: Propionate, Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, and Decanoate. This composition describes in a way that could produce both 'short-term' and 'long-term' impacts. It is taken via injections, and it circulates in the body as the esters gradually dissolve into the blood stream to improve anabolism of proteins and muscle tissue development.
Correct Usage and Dosage
A typical dosage to be administered about the Testosterone Blend usually falls within 300-1500 milligrams per week. This dosage is often set higher for those who use the substance regularly and are used to how it works within their system. That is why one should adhere to the correct injection techniques and master the sequence of injections shifts, avoiding severe complications among which injections may cause.
Benefits of Test Blend
The benefits of using Test Blend can assist men with low testosterone levels in improving:
- Heightened muscle mass
- Improved athletic performance
- The potential to boost libido
- Increase energy levels
- Augment the general feeling of states of well being
Limited Adverse Effects
Like all other steroids, Testosterone has many side-effects that are related to the action of the hormone on the target tissues. These side effects are evident in acne breakout, water retention, increase in body hair growth, chances of developing enlarged breast among men, and tendencies to have adverse cholesterol level.
Tags: (SP) Test Blend (Sus 500) 500 mg, Sus 500, Test Blend, Saxon Testosterone, Muscle Blend 500, Performance Injection, Anabolic Mixture, Power Test 500, Mega Muscle Boost, TestoFusion 500, Ultimate Testosterone Mix, Deca-Power Mix, Pro-Test 500, Iso-Force Injection, PhenylMuscle Plus, TestPump 500, DecaIso Mix, TestoFlex 500, Saxon Anabolic Elixir, Performance Pro 10