

How much are the shipping costs?
  • Postage costs are 10 € to 25 € (depending on the warehouse you you choose).
  • For bulk orders, the cost is €75 (please send your request to lecorpsshop.net@protonmail.com).
What company will handle shipping my order?
  • The shipping of your order will be handled by different companies depending on shipment availability. We use the services of La Poste with tracking, DHL and DPD.
All Do orders have a shipping guarantee?
  • Yes, all orders within the European Union are covered by a shipping guarantee, ensuring their safe arrival.
How long does it take to process my order after payment?
  • Once payment is made in BTC (cryptocurrency), your order will be confirmed immediately, and you will receive a confirmation email. It will take 1-5 days for your order to ship following payment confirmation.
  • For bank transfers (BankWire / BankTransaction), it It usually takes between 1 and 3 days for the transaction to be received. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email, and your order will be shipped within 1-5 days after payment confirmation.
How long does it take to be delivered?
  • Delivery may take up to 14 business days after providing the tracking number. Please note that occasional delays may occur due to factors beyond our control.
Refund in case of return
  • In case of receipt of a defective or damaged product, please send us a photo as proof of the problem, and we will send you replacement products immediately.
  • If the package is seized or totally lost, we will have to wait 42 days from the time the first package was sent before issuing a full refund.