(HB) Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) Pack: 100 tabs/bottle
Halotestine (Fluoxymesterone)
Manufacturer: Hilma BiocarePackage: 100 tablets/bottle (5 mg/tablet)
Some athletes and bodybuilders make use of Halotestin for its remarkable increase in strength and aggression, hence powerlifting and sports that require strength find it quite attractive. Halotestin lends greater muscle firmness and density that is advantageous during the cutting phase as well. This drug is also administered for delayed puberty syndrome among boys, hypogonadism or relevant forms of breast cancer in females . Besides, it is necessary for curing patients with progressive muscle disorders.Side Effects
Halotestin is an androgen. Some of the side effects are androgenic, such as acne, oily skin, increased facial and body hair. Anabolic/androgenic steroids may also worsen male pattern baldness or alopecia. May increase aggressiveness. Women are also informed of the virilizing consequences of anabolic androgenic steroids. Some of these may be; voice deepening, irregular menstrual cycle, skin roughening, facial and clitoral growth.
Maintain at a regulated room temperature. 20°–25°C (68°–77°F)Tags: Android-F, Androxy, Halotestin, Ora-Testryl, Ultandren, Halotestine, Fluoxymesterone