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HCG 5000 UI PP

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Main characteristics All specifications
Dose:: 5000iu
Package:: 5000iu/vial
Release form:: Injection
Type:: Luteinizing hormone (LH) - Gonadotropin

r-HCG 5000 IU

Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals

Type: Injection

Unit Dosage: 5000 IU/vial

Packaging: 5000 IU/vial

Form: Powder

Active Agent: Gonadotropin

Half-Life: ~5 days

Category: Chorionic Gonadotropin

Dosage: 500 to 1000 IU/week


Info: In bodybuilding and sports, HCG is like a ticket that allows you backstage, particularly for post-cycle therapy (PCT). It stimulates testosterone production and balances hormones in the body after the use of anabolic steroids or performance-enhancing substances. Be cautious and seek the help of a health provider before you start using it.


Increases testosterone levels to a great extent. Raises sperm production. Assists in harmony between different hormones, especially amongst those who are hypogonadic. Post-Steroid Recovery: Mandatory during PCT (post-cycle therapy) phase of bodybuilding so that natural testosterone production can be resumed. Maintaining libido and muscle mass. Ovulation support and reproductive processes

Dosage and Duration:

To maintain fertility, it is recommended that 2000 to 3000 IU per week of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) be used. Regarding bodybuilding PCT, 5000 to 10,000 IU per week is suggested. However, a more common effective dose range lies somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 IU per week.

Possible Side Effects:

The potential of bloating exists. It is possible to have pimples break out. One could experience mild up-to severe headaches. Emotions fluctuate. Men can get breasts because they make more estrogen which causes chest growth or sometimes pain around the nipples in staff members that have done drug tests. Increased levels of tiredness result in more fatigue. At the spot where an injection was given near there will often be a red spot like blood has gathered there with some people developing swellings accompanied by pain after vaccination. 

Combining with Other Medications:

HCG and testosterone are a potent mix for muscle building, stamina, and rejuvenation while safeguarding one’s ability to reproduce. In the process of post cycle therapy (Pct), sperm count increases significantly with the co-administration of this peptide (HCG) together with Clomid (Clomiphene citrate). Another benefit is that, after steroid exposure for approximately 12 weeks, natural testosterone can be restored simply by using HCG accompanied by Nolvadex (Tamoxifen). There are instances where the dose sometimes differs depending on one’s condition as advised by health professionals but combining HCG together with Anastrozole helps control estrogen levels when administering steroids. During the course of weightlifting seasons this particular peptide called HGH is usually taken alongside Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) so as to quicken muscle building.

Release form:
Luteinizing hormone (LH) - Gonadotropin

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Tags: (PP) HCG 5000 UI, HCG, Genotropin, Gonadotrophine, chorionique, iu, HCG (Gonadotrophine Chorionique Humaine), Gonadotrophine Chorionique, Hormone gonadotrophine, Peptide de Gonadotrophine Chorionique Humaine, HCG synthétique, Hormone placentaire, Hormone de fertilité, LH (Hormone lutéinisante), FSH (Hormone folliculostimulante), Hormone de grossesse, HCG Hilma Biocare, Gonadotrophine, Hormone de thérapie post-cycle (TPC), Hormone de restauration de la testostérone, Hormone de soutien du corps jaune